
Exclusive Services
Live Your Health Inside & Out, LLC offers a variety of services carefully chosen to mitigate stress, the feelings of overwhelm and anxiety women experience daily while teaching useful ways to incorporate these techniques into every day living.
Purchase services below and contact me to book your appointment 386 689-5289.

Feeling too rushed for an hour long massage? How about taking 20-minutes out of your day to relax and chill? No clothing change required.
This 20-minute session is based on a bodywork method incorporating brain mapping movement and touch techniques to activate your body’s innate ability to release deep-seated restrictive body-mind patterns while producing a profound state of relaxation.
$30 Purchase
MPS Dolphin Stress Reduction Session

This protocol stimulates the vagus nerve which activates the body's own stress relief mechanism while fostering feelings of well-being and relaxation.
It's a 10-minute technique incorporated into any session or offered as a stand-alone appointment.
For the most benefit, it is sold in packages of four.
The purchase of stem pads is in addition to the package rate.
Package $80
Pads $10 (replaced as needed)
Click here to purchase
Raise Your Voltage Classes

Come feel the sensations and resonance of Biofield Sound Sessions. Each class covers a different area of interest. You will learn about your electromagnetic field (biofield), and how tuning forks resonate with it. This is a group experience lasting between 60 and 90 minutes incorporating various tuning forks. Email us for a complete list of classes. info@liveyourhealthinsideout.com
March 14th: The spring equinox represents fresh starts and new opportunities to embrace growth
April 11th: This class explores the human biofield, identifying blockages and unlocking potential for personal growth.
May 9th: This class is all about strengthening our connec-tion to ourselves and our sisters while eliminating the energetic obstacles getting in the way of loving ourselves completely
Click here to register and reserve your seat
Biofield Sound Session

A Sound Balancing Session is a modality incorporating various tuning forks to move tangled or stuck energy patterns in your electromagnetic field to create improved flow in your biofield and body. Your session is 60-minutes with 10 minutes to reflect or absorb any awareness or experiences that were awaked during the process. It can be done in person or remotely.
(Previously referred to as Energetic Field Tuning)
$90 Purchase Click here to purchase a session
Click here to purchase a package
(3-session package - recommended)
Learn more: Moments with Red - a blog
Relaxation Massage

A relaxation massage is a gentle Swedish massage that uses smooth, gliding strokes at a slower pace to help you relax. Deep breathing techniques are incorporated to activate the body's parasympathetic nervous system and the relaxation response in the body.
$80 60-Minute Session Purchase
Packages available:
4, 60-Minute Sessions $300 Purchase
6, 60-Minute Sessions $420 Purchase
(not shared with friends or family)
90-Minute Sessions also available
Therapeutic Massage

A therapeutic session is area (back/neck) or modality-specific. This type of massage may incorporate dynamic or stationary cupping, range of motion, pin and stretch, or additional stretching techniques for a specific issue or concern depending on contraindications.
Therapeutic Modalities offered (but not limited to): Manual lymph drainage, pregnancy, or oncology.
60-Minute Session $85 Purchase
Packages available:
4, 60-Minute Sessions $320 Purchase
6, 60-Minute Sessions $450 Purchase
(not shared with friends or family)
Bian Stone Massage

This relaxation massage is a gentle Swedish massage that incorporates heated mushroom shaped bian stones while using smooth, gliding strokes at a slower pace to help you relax. Deep breathing techniques are incorporated to activate the body's parasympathetic nervous system and the relaxation response in the body.
$90 Purchase
Emotional Freedom Technique-Tapping

EFT places the power of transformation at your fingertips. It allows you to take back control of specific issues and concerns that may be affecting you. EFT has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm with positive long-term results, and it has been around since the late 1970s with more than 30 years of research on its effectiveness. Emotional Freedom Technique can be done in person or via Zoom.
Give tapping a try today!
$90 Purchase
$250 Purchase 3 session package

Digest-Ease focuses on the organs of the digestive tract. Rhythm and tone are re-introduced to the body through the vibration of a weighted fork, abdominal massage and manual lymphatic drainage. When our cells and organs are working properly we have more ease in our life.
Are you experiencing gas, bloating, or painful cramps Give this a try!
$70 Purchase
$200 3 session package Purchase
Reiki Session

Reiki is an energy practice from Japan and translates as Universal Energy (Rei = universal and ki = energy). The energy knows where it needs to flow for the best outcome for you and your specific needs.
Reiki is an extremely relaxing experience and can be done in person or remotely.
$60 30-Minute Session Purchase
$90 60-Minute Session Purchase
$250 3, 60-Minute Sessions package Purchase
Reiki Relaxation Massage

Are you ready to exhale, and get grounded while receiving a relaxation Reiki massage? Reiki encompasses the whole person on multiple levels - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Your session incorporates a relaxation massage while enveloping you in healing energy. You receive a 60-minute session with 10 minutes to reflect on your experience.
Click here to purchase a session
Reiki Therapeutic Massage

Reiki encompasses the whole person on multiple levels - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Your session incorporates a therapeutic massage while enveloping you in healing energy. You receive a 75-minute session with 10 minutes to reflect on your experience.
Click here to purchase a session
Chakra Balancing Session

Chakra Balancing is an energy session that begins with cleansing the energy field and checking each chakra. I use a 93.96 Hz weighted tuning fork (which is the Schumann resonance frequency to the 12th power) to remind the body what wellness sounds like at a cellular level. This frequency is the background sound that the Earth makes and influences our circadian rhythms. Breathwork, intention, and focus flow together in bringing harmony and balance to the affected chakra(s).
Click here to purchase a session
Click here to purchase a package
(3 session package )
Chakra Balancing Massage

This relaxing massage session begins with cleansing the energy field and then checking each chakra. Reiki is channeled throughout the massage while music specifically chosen for the session plays in the background. The session closes with a guided meditation for the specific chakra that is out of balance and vibrations of a 528 Hz tuning fork. You receive a 60-minute session with 10 minutes to reflect on your experience.
Click here to purchase a session
MPS Dolphin

Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) Dolphin is a versital device for a number of issues. MPS applies brief, concentrated DC microcurrent impulses to specific points to relax muscles, calm the nervous system and release endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. When MPS is applied to pathology influencing all three systems — nervous, muscular and endocrine — making MPS therapy effective for many chronic and acute soft-tissue pain conditions. I use it in my practice for scar release, back and neck pain, improved sleep and frozen shoulder, and can be incorporated into any massage or as a stand alone service.
Click here to learn about the Hidden Secrets of Scars
Deep Tissue

Deep tissue is an additional service added to a therapeutic massage session. This type of session may include myofascial release, gua sha, dynamic or stationary cupping, or trigger point work in addition to range of motion, pin and stretch, or additional stretching techniques.
$10 upcharge to a therapeutic session
Click here to add deep tissue to your session